25 May 2022

21 Dead - Liberty or Control? How about 766,500 Dead?

 The first reaction of many people when they hear the news of instances like what happened in Texas is "more control."

Currently, the estimation is that 21 people have died from the attack in Texas. As usual, the demand by the usual folks is for a demand of more gun control. If there was one of these attacks EVERY DAY for 1 year, it would total to 7,665 people killed in just our hypothetical daily shootings scenario. If that continued EVERY YEAR for the next 100 years then we should expect that 766,500 people would die in that time frame. If the US had a Texas mass shooting EVERY DAY for 100 years, it still wouldn't reach the amount of death generated by just ONE of the Authoritarian regimes that committed genocide. Whether it be Soviet Russia at 20,000,000 or Nazi Germany at 10,000,000 (6 million Jews alone) or Communist China at 45,000,000 deaths, mass shooters WILL NEVER reach the levels of murder laid upon humanity like Governments in just the 1900's ALONE. We've haven't talked about 2000's genocides. It could turn out that the Russian invasion results in genocide or the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs could be massive. This is all government sponsored.

This is why we have a Second Amendment. This is why I REJECT all forms of gun control. 

No amount of mass shooting can ever achieve the levels of destruction the most powerful governments can. And the US government is the MOST powerful government in the history of humanity. 

I'll be keeping my guns. 

The reality is that this issue is so far more complicated than that, I can't post it in a TL:DR version here. Culture has a lot to do with it. The dissolution of the nuclear family can't be helping and the destruction of good masculine roll models for young Men definitely isn't either. 

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