19 April 2021

Are You Anti-Fascist or A Fascist? - Neither; I'm an American and I believe in Freedom for All from Oppression and Authoritarian Governments


In 1932, the Stalinist-aligned Communist Party of Germany (KPD) created a militant Left-wing organization to fight against the rising fascist party that we know as Nazi's. If you paid attention to history, both communism and fascism killed millions in just the 1900's alone. 

The OG Antifa in Germany 1932. Ignore the Hammer and Sickle flags on the sides

What's incredibly sad is that I have people that I love and care for who look at the modern Antifa as a just and righteous organization who are "fighting the good fight" against American fascism or neo-Nazis. What I can't get through their heads is that just because you don't like the Republican Party doesn't mean you should throw in with Antifa. I have had these same people even question my position if Antifa even communist which clearly the symbology and even the name of the organization are communist in origin but also add the fact that many of these people are flying Soviet flags, sporting Soviet symbols and running Soviet colors. Antifa IS a neo-Communist organization in the EXACT same way that neo-Fascists are wannabe Nazis. 

Wait a minute; that looks awfully familiar. See the old picture above.

Antifa in the US is a response to what many people feel was a take-over by President Trump and Conservative Americans who are absolutely part of the Authoritarian Right in the US. Just because you are part of the Authoritarian Right does not mean you are a Nazi or Fascist in the same way that Authoritarian Left doesn't make you a Communist. Was Trump a fascist? I'm not convinced but apparently the neo-Nazi's of America liked him enough and apparently that's enough to make people say Trump is a Nazi (which is ignorant). If the neo-Nazi's of America supporting Trump makes Trump a Nazi then Antifa supporting Biden makes Biden a neo-Communist (which he isn't). Since fascism is bad because they killed Jews, then let me introduce you to the Communists. They not only killed Jews, they killed Muslims, they killed black people, they killed each other. Communists just killed everyone in huge quantities. Communists racked up a death toll at least 4 times higher than the fascists did. 

Sadly, Neo-Nazi losers are a thing in the US

The simple answer is that anyone who carries the flags of these organizations supports murderous and evil groups that have killed millions of humans and blatantly violated human rights on a scale that makes King George III look like America's best friend. In fact, the KPD in Germany was viewed to be just as bad as the Nazi's to the point that the party was banned in Germany in the 1950s just like the Nazi Party was. 

I can understand why many people didn't like Trump but I can only assume that Americans who are supporting Antifa simply just aren't educated about the worse atrocities that communism perpetuated against humanity and continues to do so. This is not an if-and-or-but scenario; FASCISM AND COMMUNISM ARE POLITICAL IDEALS THAT HAVE LEAD TO THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF HUMAN LIVES. Stop supporting these groups IMMEDIATELY. 

So, now what do you do? Can't support Trump cause you think he's evil but now you can't support Antifa based on the same logic you keep calling Trump a Nazi. 

You could try being an American again. Standing up against Authoritarian Left (Communism) and Authoritarian Right (Fascists). America not only helped defeat Fascism, we've been outliving the starving, murderous Communists since before Karl Marx is was in diapers. While Vietnam was an abject failure, South Korea is a thriving nation of free peoples. Also, we have a Constructional republic that protects human rights and even protects your right to self defense in the off chance that someone takes over and tries to kill their political enemy. #gunsarerad

In reality, I want to you support who you feel is best but also please educate yourself on these evil organizations. The last time fascism and communism clashed, millions of people died. The previous Antifa couldn't tell the difference between real fascism in Germany and anyone who wasn't Antifa (which sounds oddly familiar) and it didn't end well for many people. 

Uhhh just ignore the one in the upper right. That's umm,.. errrr.. whoops... familiar too. Makes me think of another popular movement in the US. Just ignore it. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

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