07 January 2024

The Future of the NRA - Wayne LaPierre Resigning

 When I became a Life Member of the NRA, I hadn't been following or even aware of the internal politics of the NRA. I do know that I had been a Life Member for a while when Adam Kraut was running in the election and I never got a ballot. I would have voted for Adam. 

I have learned a little more since then but I've pretty much stayed away from the internal politics. I know a lot of people were very unhappy with the current leadership and Board. The New York court case isn't helping, but that's the point. Anything to hinder I suppose.

There have been a great number of people in the organization who flat out have been against Wayne LaPierre, not for the mission, but for the way the money is being spent. The money needs to go to protecting and restoring lost gun rights, not filling your pockets and paying for your life style. As a result, a huge number of people stopped donating money.

Apparently, Wayne LaPierre announced he is resigning. That's for the better, I think. 

The membership wants a leadership that cares more about The People's rights than self-enrichment. I know I have made donations to other organizations like SAF and wouldn't make donations to the NRA until corrected. Now I'm considering boosting my Membership to Endowment level from Life level. That will depend entirely on the next few steps the Board takes. Clean it out.

The gun rights community has a wonderful opportunity to fix the NRA and bring it back to full strength. Let's not waste this opportunity. 

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